Old, nostalgic painting.

Actually, it's nothing wrong to fatten your studio once because you have to move to another place.
You see so many things you've forgotten,tucked away in those big metal cabinets where you store paintings and photographic works.
In some earlier post i wrote about the passion of my love.
Well, also in my  closet with photographs there were old paintings he has collected and i found lots more.
I do not know how the icon looks like ,where you laugh like a tootache ;)
But this one is really nice, it is framed in a tiny black list. I'm going to hang this one also in our home!

3 reacties:

  1. Leuk om thuis steeds meer schilderijen te ontdekken en te zien wat voor collectie er eigenljk is ' opgebouwd' :)

  2. Hoi!

    Heb je het al gezien?
    Je hebt gewonnen!
    De jongste heeft flink geroerd en toen jouw briefje eruit gevist.

    Wil je me aub een e-mail met je gegevens sturen dan komt de pompdoek naar je toe.


  3. @ Patrice..huh, ben helemaal verbouwereerd, ik heb nl in mijn hele leven nog nooit iets gewonnen..haha.Hoe is het mogelijk!


Thanks for stopping by and lovely to read your thoughts! I read every post and try to answer here.Maybe it will take a while :)