Inspired by patterns.

Everywhere I look I see patterns, it started with the little gift I got from Cheryl.That little bag with the black and white pattern. Then the knitted people from Adrienn Sloane. I love the way you can look right through them.( It's pity I can't knit,well, I knit with those large wholes ;) The second picture was a start but it didn't work out well. The first picture is more what it will be like. It's all a process of this or this, I think.It should be minimalist in color and shape. Also I learned that red is still an important role in my work.

Look at the photographic work of mine (years ago) staged with textiles.Hangs on the wall in my studio( not packed after the open studio days ;)                 

5 reacties:

  1. the top image is so beautiful Ingrid.....

  2. Thank you,'s all about thread isn't it?

  3. Love that first photo - gorgeous.

    Hugs, Stephie x

  4. Dear Ingrid- the first photo is so beautiful- what a great and surprising angle!...xx

  5. Dear Stephie & Hagar..Thank you..i saw the sun between the stitches ;-)


Thanks for stopping by and lovely to read your thoughts! I read every post and try to answer here.Maybe it will take a while :)