Inspiring and....

Brilliant via here

Workspace via here

via here

I get always so inspired by workspaces,little corners..
Imagine that you are sitting or working there...dream,dream

Lovely friends, I wanna thank you all for your comments on my previous post!
It was good to read them, like a warm blanket,thank you so much.
Indeed 3 years is a good amount of time...

And now,two people who have won my give away.
Jeetjejanina the pink one and Objectsofwhimsey the yellow one.
Congratulations ladies!
Give me your address,so I can send it to you.

8 reacties:

  1. smashing! that first image. why EVER did i not think of this, huh? hee hee...
    the workspace is very cool. i'll put in white floors, it's been long decided and now confirmed. ..
    ach, ingrid, i'm so, so waiting for intentions to manifest themselves.
    i should really put some dynamite in my behind, you know? ;)))

    1. Haha Nadine,I thought the same..
      And first you have to relax..afterwards you'll get the dynamite you want :-)

  2. oooh, om toch eens een echte werkruimte te hebben in plaats van de eettefel! hoe heerlijk zou dat zijn ;) de strakke cleane is mooi, maar dan met je alles wel netjes houden hè *zucht* netjes is niet echt mijn ding :(
    en wauwie! Zo leuk dat ik gewonnen heb! ik stuur mijn adres via FB

  3. Prachtige foto's weer... én mijn felicitaties aan beide dames!!!

  4. Ohh, ik heb je give-away gemist!! Jammer, volgende keer beter..

  5. woohoo
    I won so excited....:)

    Thankyou so much Ingrid.

    I love the first picture by the way very clever illusion...:)

    Have a nice day Helen :)

  6. Beautiful blues and whites.


Thanks for stopping by and lovely to read your thoughts! I read every post and try to answer here.Maybe it will take a while :)