Studio time and handstitched drawings.

It's always nice if your heating in your studio is working.
This time it worked ;)
A nice day clutter,things finished and work prepared to send.
New ideas and always too little time..i think everyone nows that.
I like my new ideas on paper and now with my embroidered stories there is some paint coming in..

Maybe you also noticed that i didn't have an ** Terrific Tuesday ** today but I will stop this for a while or maybe forever. I don't know yet,thinking about it.

3 reacties:

  1. Ooh, die verf bij je onderste werk is fijn!

    Ik voel me momenteel zo'n circusartiest met van die bordjes op stokjes. Het lukt me maar nét ze hoog te houden, en kijk ondertussen jaloers naar je werk....


  2. hi there, love thread and paper, these are interesting. also love love love louise boregoise(?) spelt wrong i'm sure! big thanks for your recent support and kind comments. continued happy creating; linda...

  3. that red thread, second picture...looks beautiful.


Thanks for stopping by and lovely to read your thoughts! I read every post and try to answer here.Maybe it will take a while :)